Double Your Content Writing Speed With This 10-Step Guide

Double Your Content Writing Speed With This 10-Step Guide
Content Marketing Oct 06, 2023

Blogging is one of the most effective and cheapest ways of marketing your business and growing your brand in Malaysia. Regular posting of content will help grow your audience, who will eventually turn into customers.

Writing quality blog posts fast is an art you need to learn in order to have the edge over your competitors. However, writing can be challenging. While there are times when ideas keep flowing in your mind, there may be times when you can't even start a sentence.

Ever stared into your computer screen for hours, but then nothing comes to mind? This may be frustrating, but don’t worry. Everyone goes through that same stage. Even the best content writers in Malaysia have experienced writing blocks at some points in their writing career.

Hence, we have come up with these content writing tips to help keep your creative juices flowing and double your speed in writing quality blog posts.


1. Make a Plan

Most writers think that planning itself consumes much of their time. That’s why they tend to skip this step and go directly to writing.

Little do they know that it will be easier and faster to write when a plan is made beforehand and when you already know what topic to cover.

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Photo by Elena Kloppenburg on Unsplash

An effective way to plan is to create a blog editorial calendar with platforms like Loomly or CoSchedule. A blog calendar ensures that your blog posts are heading towards the marketing goal you have in mind.

With a calendar, you can list down the topics you want to tackle on your blog. You can also plan for observance days or holidays and tailor your content based on them.


2. Have an Idea Bank Handy

Sometimes, ideas come up unexpectedly, especially when you are not in your writing mode - when you are on your way to a salon or when you are out with your friends. And when it’s time for you to finally write that blog, you’ll go blank.

Therefore, it’s important to jot down those ideas as they come along. You can use note-taking apps such as Evernote, Notion, Dropbox Paper, Apple Notes, or Google Keep to help you capture these ideas.


3. Begin With the End

Writing is no different than planning for your dream holiday. Before looking for hotels or airfare, you must first have a destination in mind.

Before writing, you must think about what you want your readers to do after reading your content. Do you want them to share your content? Do you want them to purchase your products? Do you want them to sign up for your newsletter?

By taking your “destination” into account while writing, it will be easier for you to navigate and speed up your journey.


4. Research First, Write Later

It is essential to separate research from writing. Doing your research while you’re in the process of writing can take up so much of your time. In order to write faster, do your research first before writing.

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Photo by Judit Peter on Pexels

If you need to check on something or verify a piece of information, you can park it for later and just keep on writing. Once you are finished, you can always go back and do additional research to back up your point.

Moreover, you can challenge yourself to limit your research time to 15-20 minutes. When you set a deadline for yourself, chances are, your energy level would go up, which will make you work faster.


5. Simplify Your Structure

A simple and organized blog post isn't just more readable, but it also saves you writing time. You can make an outline that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. Then, for each part, you can list down points and expand on them using a few sentences.


6. Use a Template When Writing

The template serves as a comprehensive guide and a great tool to help you organize your thoughts. With a template, you don’t need to craft your content from scratch, and it will save you time when writing a blog post.

In addition, having a predefined layout and style is a great way to have a well-organized blogCoschedule has got blog post templates you can refer to when writing.


7. Just Write, Don’t Edit Yet

Editing your work while you are writing will slow down your writing process. It’s because your brain will switch from being creative into being detail-oriented. It stops the flow of ideas.

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Photo by Zan on Unsplash

Therefore, you need to write without worrying about grammar and punctuation marks. The idea is to get your writing done first, and then you can edit it later.


8. Write Your Headline Last

While crafting an attractive headline is crucial to draw your audience’s attention, it should be the last thing you need to think about to write faster.

Sure, writing a headline first can make you stay on topic, and you would know exactly where your content is leading to. However, it might also limit your thoughts and tie you down, making it longer for you to finish your draft.

If you keep your idea flowing, you can have freedom as to how your content would go. Then, you can craft your headline last to ensure that it matches your content.

9. Leverage AI Content Platforms like hotcopy;

In today's digital age, AI-driven content platforms like hotcopy; are revolutionizing how writers craft content.

These platforms harness the power of artificial intelligence to generate creative and coherent content in a fraction of the time. With hotcopy; writers can overcome the dreaded writer's block by getting AI-generated suggestions, ensuring a continuous flow of ideas. Moreover, the platform ensures content consistency, tone, and relevance tailored to the target audience.

By integrating AI tools into your writing process, you can produce high-quality content efficiently, allowing you to focus on refining and personalizing the content to resonate with your readers. This fusion of human creativity and AI efficiency is the future of content creation, ensuring that you can always deliver your best.

10. Practice, Practice, Practice

Your blog is one of the best marketing tools and income generators for your business. It is an effective way to draw your audience’s attention and move them to take action.

Content writing is a skill you can master over time. The more you commit yourself to practice writing, the better you become. And the better you become, the faster you get.

The tips that we have shared with you here will help you create blog posts with ease, making your writing journey more spontaneous. Focus on the result you want to achieve and keep going.

Photo by Amelia Bartlett on Unsplash

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Try our hotcopy; AI platform to optimize your content production workflow today.

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